“A lawyer without books would be like a workman without tools.”
- Thomas Jefferson

Every Ending is a New Beginning
Since 2015, Joy Editing has been represented by Hunter Business Law, a woman-owned law firm based in Tampa Bay. They’ve provided us with fantastic service over the years, but the time has come for Sheryl Hunter to move on to a new legal adventure. We’re sad to see our partnership with Hunter Business Law end, but we’re thrilled Sheryl has found her next step forward.
We were also thrilled to find out that Katelyn Dougherty, a Hunter Business Law associate with whom we’ve worked closely since 2015, is taking this opportunity to create a new woman-owned law firm, Harbour Business Law. She’s been kind enough to take Joy Editing on as a client, and we’re excited to continue our relationship with her. You’ll see Harbour Business Law listed as our new representative in our Terms of Service, though nothing else is changing.
Thank you to Hunter Business Law for the years together, and thank you to Harbour Business Law for the years to come! See you all in August!
- The Joy Editing Team